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Developing a Musical Vocabulary From Antarctic Animal Vocalizations

Antarctica is one of the only places in the world that doesn't have indigenous music since there isn't an indigenous human population. However; there are indigenous populations of other animals. I will be retracing the steps our ancestors took to create traditional music from all over the world. Traditional music reflects the people, the landscape, the wildlife, the climate and how these things all interact. I have been studying and cataloging the sounds of Antarctic animals to create a musical vocabulary based off of the animals natural rhythms, melodies and harmony to imagine what early mankind might have created as a traditional music of Antarctica in response to the environment and wildlife.


The aim of my project is to interpret/translate the animal sounds and landscape of Antarctica into musical vocabulary that can be used to create pieces of music that express the unique climate and diverse wildlife this land has to offer. The music will be used to help people develop a deeper personal connection to the Antarctic region. We will act as intermediaries between the animals and the landscape to help people better understand what and who is at stake as we continue to move so slowly against climate change. Together we can share the songs and stories of the animals that live in Antarctica. 


The next step of my project is to go to the Falkland Islands to record, catalog and translate the calls of animals that share these islands and Antarctica as their home.

Falkland Islands & Antarctica

These two places share wildlife, remoteness and were mostly uninhabited by humans. They create a potential for us to tap back into the way our ancestors throughout the world mimicked and connected with the world around them.  By setting out to discover a musical context that is 100% relational to Antarctica and its animal species we can remind people of the importance that the natural world plays not only in our survival but also in our humanity.

More info coming soon!

Donations go towards project expenses.


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